Abstract Reasoning Test (ART)

The Abstract Reasoning Test (ART) is a fairly challenging non-verbal reasoning test, with items of a matrix-completion type format. It is suitable for respondents who have at least a Grade 12 level of education. It is intended to be used alongside the Critical Reasoning Test Battery (CRTB2) which measures Verbal Critical Reasoning and Numerical Critical Reasoning, thus forming a suite which covers the three main reasoning domains targeted by Psytech’s traditional ability batteries.

ART Norm Information

This selection of norm documents reflects the most recent Abstract Reasoning Test (ART) norm updates. It is recommended that psychology professionals use the most recent norms unless there is a compelling reason to continue using older norms.

ART SA Aggregate Population 2017

ART SA Afrikaans 2017

ART SA English 2017

ART SA Indigenous 2017

ART SA isiZulu 2017

ART SA Sepedi 2017

ART SA Sesotho 2017

ART SA Setswana 2017

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