Who We Are

Psytech South Africa provides psychometric tests, assessment services and technology, and related consulting. As the premium distribution partner of Psytech International in South Africa, we support the tests with research, and train and advise psychology professionals. We want to help clients use the tests effectively, legally and professionally. We are always happy to discuss your particular business needs to help you find an appropriate solution.


To be the leading provider of assessment technology in the Southern African Region.


To serve our clients with appropriate, affordable, fair, research-based assessments and consulting.


Fairness, truth, excellence and service.

Our Team

Nanette Tredoux

Managing Director

Nanette Tredoux is a registered Psychologist in the following categories: Research, Counselling and Industrial. She is the managing director of Psytech SA and also a director of Psytech Cape.

Pamela Dladla

Accounts Administrator

Pamela Dladla is Psytech SA’s Accounts Administrator and assists with all invoices and statement queries.

Clement Petersen


Clement Petersen is a manager: Psychometrics, training and professional practice. He is registered as a Psychometrist (Independent Practice) as well as a Registered Counsellor (Independent Practice). He is responsible for consulting, professional support and training to clients regarding Psytech products.

Sarah Kempen

Senior Manager

Sarah is registered as a Psychometrist (Independent Practice). She is responsible for Psytech SA’s CEU accreditation, consulting, professional support and training to clients regarding Psytech products.

Crystal Clack

Research Coordinator

Crystal Clack is registered as a Psychometrist (Independent Practice) and Psytech SA’s research coordinator and is available to consult on all research needs and queries. Crystal is involved in co-ordinating and conducting research activities in support of our psychometric assessments, monitoring ongoing research, data collection relating to these assessments, statistical calculations and documenting the results of research.

Ikageng Zono

Lead Support Consultant

Ikageng Zono is the lead support consultant. In addition to the functions performed by the other support consultants, he is responsible for user training relating to Psytech SA’s software systems, including the use of the 360-degree appraisal. Additionally, Ikageng supports clients regarding online system queries and technical support. He liaises with Psytech SA’s Information Technology service provider to ensure that we have the minimum of service interruptions.

Betty Sewelo


Betty Sewelo is responsible for general administration, switchboard and reception at the main office, and will probably be your first contact with Psytech SA. She also does processing of orders and is responsible for arrangements relating to our presence at exhibitions and event, as well as the administration regarding training.

Gugu Mkhize

General Administration

Gugu Mkhize is a general worker assisting with general administration and the processing of orders.

BEE Beneficiaries

Khanya Family Centre

At the top of the ownership structure for Psytech SA is the Psytech Empowerment Trust. The main beneficiary of this trust is the Khanya Family Centre in Katlehong. When Psytech SA makes a profit and declares a dividend, a portion of this goes to Khanya Family Centre.

We chose Khanya Family Centre because it is professionally run and provides an extremely valuable service to the community.

Feel free to follow our example and support this worthy organisation financially.

Follow this link to their website to see the great work that they do:



Bheki Maphosa

Bheki Maphosa is a psychometrist independent practice and busy qualifying as an Industrial Psychologist. Psytech SA chose to support his practice as part of our Enterprise Development initiative for Black Economic Empowerment, based on our shared values and recognition of his potential. We are observing his career grown with great interest.



Psytech South Africa re-structured

The company is now 100% South African owned.

At the top of the ownership structure is an empowerment trust.

All the beneficiaries of this trust are from disadvantaged groups.

Through the flow-through principle, this means that Psytech South Africa is 51% Black-owned .

Psytech South Africa has a level 4 BB-BEE rating and is BEE compliant.

Reach Us

176 Barry Hertzog Ave, Greenside, 2193

+2711 646 7010


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