Psytech Ability Tests ; Instruments covered: General Reasoning Test Battery (GRT2) Graduate Reasoning Test Battery (GRT1) Critical Reasoning Test Battery (CRTB2) Abstract Reasoning Test (ART) Critical Reasoning Test Battery – Item Banked (CRTBi) Adapt-g Clerical Test Battery (CTB2) Technical Test Battery (TTB2) Outcomes: Understand the constructs measured by each of the subtests of every Psytech ability battery. Know the groups for which the tests are suited. Understand the prior knowledge requirements for each of the tests. Understand the implications of proper test administration for the psychometric properties of the tests. Be able to identify the most suitable tests for a particular purpose. Use individual subtests in the compiling of batteries. Be familiar with the reference materials for the test batteries. Have an understanding of the range of norm groups available for the tests. Understand the considerations regarding cross-cultural use of ability tests. Understand the interpretation of score levels in the computer-generated reports. Duration: 1 day Location: Online via MS Teams This training is accredited for CEU points. Please visit our latest Training Catalogue for more information. Reach Us 176 Barry Hertzog Ave, Greenside, 2193 +2711 646 7010 Leave A Message Name Email Address Message Send Message