General Reasoning Test Battery (GRT2)


What it measures:

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The General Reasoning Test Battery assesses three domains of ability that are relevant to work and study: Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning and Abstract Reasoning. Of these, Abstract reasoning is the least affected by education and cultural background.

Target population:

This battery is recommended for persons with an educational level of grade 9 and upwards. It can be used for selection, guidance or development.

Logistics considerations:

The tests are brief, and the time taken for administration (not counting instructions) is less than half an hour for the whole battery. Instructions need to be given with care though, and if the test is properly administered with due attention to examples and instructions, it should take between 45 minutes and an hour to administer the whole battery with all three subtests. The tests can be administered using pencil and paper, online or on-screen using an off-line computer via the GeneSys integrated assessment software.