General Reasoning Test Battery (GRT2)

The General Reasoning Test Battery (GRT2) assesses three domains of ability that are relevant to work and study: Verbal Reasoning, Numerical Reasoning and Abstract Reasoning. Of these, Abstract reasoning is the least affected by education and cultural background. This battery is recommended for persons with an educational level of Grade 9 and upwards. It can be used for selection, guidance, or development. The GRT2 is a brief yet comprehensive measure of mental ability. The assessment can be utilised as a battery, or the subtests can be administered separately or included in a battery with other Psytech assessments available on the GeneSys Online assessment system. The tests GRT2 can be administered using pencil-and-paper, in-person online, or via a generated link under remote supervision.

GRT2 Example Reports

GRT2 Standard report

GRT2 Feedback report

GRT2 Group Results Summary spreadsheet 

When administering the GRT2 as well as the OIP, the option of generating a Career Report becomes available.
(The cost of this report is 4 credits.)

Career Report

This report provides career-relevant information and is intended as a guide for the psychology professional to utilise in writing their own integrated report. Additionally, it has summarised the information contained in the standard report of the GRT2 and the extended report of the OIP. The General Mental Ability Profile of the GRT2 is not included in the career report, however the career report does provide a career exploration guide and suggested careers.

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