Psytech SA documents

Below, various documents are available to assist you in finding out more about Psytech SA’s products and services, the pricelist, opening an account with us, and more. Click on the links to download the documents. All documents are in pdf format.

Documents for New Clients

Placing an order with Psytech SA

  • When you want to purchase credits to use the online assessment system, or if you want to order pencil and paper materials, the following form needs to be completed and signed by the responsible psychology professional: Psytech SA Order Form
  • For clients who have ordered credits in bulk, the following form needs to be submitted in order to redeem credits from the bulk order: Redeeming Credits from Bulk
  • Clients who use pencil and paper materials and who do not want to score the tests themselves can make use of our bureau scoring service. For this, the following form must be completed: Psytech Bureau Service Order Form (The bureau service is less economical to use than scoring answer sheets yourself on the online system.)


Training Information

GeneSys Online assessment platform

Remote supervision of fixed-length ability tests

Fixed-length ability tests, developed in accordance with classical psychometric theory, must be administered under supervision.

For this reason, the GeneSys system does not include the option of sending a link for unsupervised completion of ability tests like the General Reasoning Test Battery (GRT2), Technical Test Battery (TTB2), Critical Reasoning Test Battery (CRTB2), or Abstract Reasoning Test (ART).

However, it is possible to supervise a respondent remotely while they complete a fixed-length ability test using screen-sharing applications such as Zoom or Teams. The managed group assessment method can be used for this purpose.

The key word is “supervision.” You need to be virtually present and actively monitor what the respondent is doing.

Additional Professional Resources


Reach Us

176 Barry Hertzog Ave, Greenside, 2193

+2711 646 7010

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