Critical Reasoning is an ability that is central to all roles that require the incumbent to take logical decisions based on complex information. The Critical Reasoning Test Battery – Item Banked (CRTBi) is an item banked assessment that has been designed to assess critical reasoning ability and is available for unsupervised administration via the GeneSys Online assessment system. CRTBi comprises two subtests which measure verbal and numerical critical reasoning. These can be administered either individually or together. The Verbal subtest measures the ability to understand and accurately draw logical conclusions and inferences from complex reports. Consequently, it forms a key assessment for managerial and professional roles which require accurate interpretation of written reports and rational decision-making. The numerical subtest measures the ability to understand and critically evaluate a wide range of numerical data and draw logical conclusions from this. Consequently, it forms a key assessment for managerial and professional roles which require the ability to understand financial, numerical, and statistical information.
The CRTBi is similar in difficulty level to the CRTB2 battery, however the CRTBi is intended to be administered unsupervised (via a generated link). This mitigates the concerns of unsupervised administration of classical psychometric tests, as they are not item-banked, thereby increasing the risk of practice effects and respondents helping one another to obtain higher scores. The CRTBi is widely used by Psytech International’s partners and users internationally. The psychometric properties have been determined to be robust within South Africa, and South African norms available for the CRTBi.
Reference Documents for the CRTBi
CRTBi Example reports
CRTBi Norm Information
This selection of norm documents reflects the most recent Critical Reasoning Test – Item Banked (CRTBi) norm updates. It is recommended that psychology professionals use the most recent norms unless there is a compelling reason to continue using older norms.
CRTBi Norms SA Aggregate Population 2021
CRTBi Norms SA English Language Group 2021
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