Registered psychology professionals



Training of psychometrists

Psychometrists are mid-level psychology professionals. To qualify for registration, they must complete an accredited B Psych degree that includes a six month internship. The B Psych degree is different from an academic Honours degree although they take a similar length of time to complete. B Psych degrees are specially approved for the training of psychometrists and they are inspected on a regular basis. On completion of the degree and internship, the candidate has to pass the national examination for psychometrists before they may register and practice.

What psychometrists do

Psychometrists’ training is focused on psychological assessment. Psychometrists are specifically trained to administer psychological tests, interpret them and give feedback on tests. Psychometrists may perform many types of assessments in the work context or in an educational context. Psychometrists must refer any person who needs the services of a psychologist or counsellor, so that they can receive appropriate help.

Some tests, such as projective tests and tests that are designed to identify pathology, are reserved for psychologists and psychometrists may not use them.